domingo, 16 de junho de 2013

New Obsession...

Hoje após ir à Zara percebi que estava completamente obcecada por três saias que eu acho que além de serem lindas são muito úteis e versáteis para o verão, e não só. 
Não sei qual hei-de comprar por isso deixem as vossas opiniões.
Beijinhos Grandes

Today after going to Zara I realized that I was completely obsessed by three skirts I think that besides being beautiful are very useful and versatile for the summer and beyond.
Do not know what I will buy so let your opinions.
Big kisses





2 comentários:

  1. Love them all. But I would buy the first one. Its very interesting and prints its beautiful

    1. Thank you so much for your opinion and that skirt is also my favorite...
      Big Kisses and once again thank you for your opinion.
